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Piknik Karimunjawa Jepara Wisata Ke Pulau Surga
UNESCO Listed Karimunjawa Jepara as Biosphere Reserve
MAB UNESCO programme added 25 sites to the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. and now totally 714 biosphere reserves in 129 countries around the world. These additions have decide in MAB-ICC unesco at 28 October 2020. along with the extension or re-zoning of five existing biosphere reserves.
The Karimunjawa-Jepara-Muria Biosphere Reserve in Central Java, Indonesia, is located in the mountainous region surrounding Mount Muria. The biosphere reserve is critical in preserving the biodiversity of the island of Java. The Biosphere Reserve in karimunjawa have three protected regions encompass more than 120,000 hectares. the central focus is the Karimunjawa National Park, the Mount Muria Protected Forest, and the Mount Celering Nature Reserve. The reserve features a large variety of ecosystems including 27 of small islands karimunjawa, undersea ecosystems, lowland and then mountain tropical rainforests.
After this determination, there is actually a responsibility and also a consequence. The most responsible thing is that the Jepara Regency Government is obliged to protect the environment and must also be able to empower the people in Karimunjawa and the slopes of Muria.
“people in Karimunjawa and the slopes of Muria must be economically empowered. So as not to damage coral reefs in Karimunjawa and forests on the slopes of Muria, “explained the Head of the Jepara Environmental Service (DLH), Farikhah Elida.
Tags: karimunjawa
UNESCO Listed Karimunjawa Jepara as Biosphere Reserve
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