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Piknik Karimunjawa Jepara Wisata Ke Pulau Surga
List of Winners of the Regent’s Cup 2021 Karimunjawa Fishing Competition
JEPARA – In October 2021, there were around 65 participants competing in a fishing competition in Karimunjawa. The Regent of Jepara opened and dispatched the 19th fishing competition participants in front of the Karimunjawa District Tourism House, Saturday (16/10/2021).
Of the 65 participants in this fishing competition, they were divided into 13 groups. From the group there were participants from abroad, Michelle Cuozzo from Italy.
This fishing competition was held to promote tourism in Karimunjawa, which had been vacuumed due to the pandemic.
The following is the list of winners of the 2021 Regents Cup Fishing Competition
– 1st place Chandra from Jakarta (5.3 kg red snapper).
– 2nd place Abdul Hakim from Jepara (Mladang 3.4 kg).
– 3rd place from Rokhmad from Kudus (Mackerel 3.1 kg).
– 1st Greatest Champion from Tegal (Tengiri 2.4 kg).
– 2nd Runner Up Ahmad Rifai from Jepara (2.3 kg red snapper).
– 3rd Runner Up I Nyoman from Bali (Baracuda 2.3 kg).
With this fishing competition activity, it is hoped that it will stimulate tourism in Karimunjawa, Jepara again
List of Winners of the Regent’s Cup 2021 Karimunjawa Fishing Competition
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